Monday, 5 November 2012

Chidera Dimude: It’s indeed a man’s world (30 Days, 30 Voices)

If this is truly a man’s world, why can’t we fight for it to be a woman’s world too instead of throwing ourselves at the feet of men? My belief tells me I was created from the rib of man not from his shoe lace.
It took me ages to decide what to write about, so, I’ve a chosen a topic after my own heart, women.
Sometimes it feels like I was born in another century, a time when chivalry existed and somehow I got lost along the way and ended up in a strange world. There are so many questions I want to ask about modern day women. From east to west, north to south it seems to me that there is an epidemic going on. What is this I speak about? It’s the way women seem to have lost their self respect and devalue themselves in attempt to please the opposite sex, is this as a result of fewer men in the world?
I was once insulted by a man in Abuja (Nigeria) because I turned down a ride from him, he bluntly stated that there were seven more girls like me waiting for him so I should stop doing shakara! Choi insult, I wasn’t sure if he expected me to jump or fly into his car after that statment because he went on to ask, “So are you coming?”
This is the general feeling I get whenever I go to Nigeria, girls everywhere, from female marketers who need to meet quotas, to university students trying to make ends meet. I totally understand your hustle to stay afloat but we often forget who we are trying to please the world. Is this what modern day prostitution looks like? Can you judge those who stand on the street, when you have friends who trade sex for favours? Please what is the difference? We were sent to this world to please God not man, so I generally feel that the priority of our society is misplaced.
Even in China, the story continues, women here are not allowed to check the sex of their babies before they are born and although there are a lot of stories where parents kill their female babies, there are still more females to males in the general population. My Chinese friend also told me that this disproportionate gender population makes it very difficult for Chinese girls to find a suitable partner because men have more options while girls have limited option and do everything they can to please guys so that the relationship would lead to marriage.
Because of this male shortage, Nigerian men in Guangzhou China have seen a business opportunity, exploiting Chinese woman by using them to gain access to trade opportunities, sleeping with them, getting them pregnant and running off. For this reason parents in the town were and still are outraged (frequently protesting against black men living in the town. Who is to blame in this situation? The conniving men or the naive women? Doesn’t it take two to tango? What happened to condoms?
We all know this did not originate in Nigeria, it’s shocking that such a thing would exist in a religious nation like Nigeria, but as they say, “Naija no dey carry last.” Whatever bad habits we copy, we always copy well.
Can someone please tell me when the world became so horny and or desperate? I feel it’s more of a borrowed culture, which has trickled down from one country to another over time. I can’t wait to see what the future will bring, what comes after seven girls to a guy?
If this is truly a man’s world, why can’t we fight for it to be a woman’s world too instead of throwing ourselves at the feet of men? My belief tells me I was created from the rib of man not from his shoe lace.
Chidera Dimude is an English language teacher in Shenzhen, China. She is a graduate of University of Manchestervand holds a post-graduate degree from University of Strathclyde.
30 Days 30 Voices series is an opportunity for young Nigerians to share their stories and experiences with other young Nigerians, within our borders and beyond, to inspire and motivate them.

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