Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Dear Pastors, Are You Men Of God Or gods Of Men?–By Gbenga Ogunwale


“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”- Exodus 20:3,Deut 5:7

First of all I am a church goer! I was born and bred in the church! However, I do not see myself as a christian as much as I aspire to be one. My parochial hesitation in giving an answer to the question ‘Are you a christian or a muslim?’ has always been an indication of doubt concerning my religious affiliation.
A sincere study of the book of ACTS of the APOSTLES with the awesome character and sacrifice of those who earned the name is a major reason why I doubt my christianity everyday. I have been in search of living examples to inspire me beyond the physically distant Dalai lama and Nelson Mandela legends. Right from birth, I have moved from white garment to pentecostal gatherings in my search for truth and enduring righteousness as portrayed in the chapters of ACTS. However my cry of eureka has always been truncated by some behavioral and doctrinal contradictions or the other.
Don’t get it twisted (pls don’t say ‘love is a beautiful thing’). I am a bloody sinner in search of long lasting physical inspiration like Paul the apostle, if looking for another JESUS is asking for too much. So don’t think I am ‘holier than thou’. I just need an armenian lifestyle that serves me a constant reminder of the 2nd coming of our Lord. What I see everywhere is the propagation of “do as I say,don’t do as I do”. I have since decided to “look only up to JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith.”
However, the greater fear now stares me in the face: men of God are now amassing wealth as if Jesus is not coming again! Could it be that JESUS told these men to build another heaven here in Nigeria so he can have a place to stay when he comes? Were we not told to lay up our treasures in heaven? Why is my pastor moving around in bullet proof vehicles? Is heaven no more beautiful enough for a ‘saint’ to wish for a transition in a hurry? I’m still in search of answers.
The other day my pastor said we cannot serve God and mammon. Has he ever told his friend who owns 4 private jets and 2 universities the same thing? His bishop friend keeps diverting tithe and offerings into private businesses not beneficial to poor church members with impunity. Does he still believe in the 2nd coming? What moral justification do we have to criticize government mismanagement if we condone the transformation of religious charities into ‘pastorpreneurship’?
A friend once said a lion shouldn’t care about a sheep but there is an issue if the shepherd doesn’t. Does it mean PFN/CAN leadership don’t know that about 112million Nigerians go to bed hungry daily? I thought charity was better done with pooling of resources but what are tithes and offerings doing in banking, real estate, shipping and oil? Why do I have so many questions with no answers? Wait for more. Maybe you can help me out.
We were told not to touch the anointed. But why are the anointed touching the tithe/offering boxes with annoyance? is there a similarity between my pastor and Paul the apostle? Are these really men of God or gods of men? How come they are so unreachable like politicians when CHRIST himself can be touched with the feeling of our infirmity? How come our unfortunate civilization is a perfect blend of our dark past and the past weaknesses of the western world? Oh God! Where is my Elijah that will call corrupt politicians to order instead of giving them the C of O to God’s sacred alter?
How will politicians respect us with our selective crusade against corruption? When did the power of God onto salvation become a point of sale? Now most of them have private jets to escape from Nigeria in case of any thing happens. The master of the Universe borrowed a donkey (not a horse and carriage) to make a triumphant entry. They wanted to make the Lord a king by force after the legendary feeding of thousands but he declined. Dear pastor, Couldn’t you have done the same with your limousine and jet gifts? Are you blind to flood victims still in need of aid in your backyard?
I thought your Master(who had no roof to lay his head) told you to give freely as you have received freely? Why are you not satisfied with few good cars and a mansion? Of course I know that’s not enough for you to hypnotize me into worshipping you with my conscience taken into captivity. Shall I then join others to worship you or shall I continue my search for truth and lasting righteousness?
Let me know as soon as you have answers for me.
Follow me on twitter via@drwales1

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